Kenton College Preparatory School
In the case of applications for Years 3 to 8 (i.e. other than Year 2), the Headmistress, Ms. Weston, initially needs to confirm whether a suitable place is available in the Year group requested. For this purpose please provide the Registrar with the following details:
Full Names, Date of Birth and Gender of the child.
Details of the current school the child is attending.
Names and full contact details of the parents.
Details of any previous application to Kenton, including one for another child.
If the application can be considered further, the process will commence as follows:
An appointment is made for the Parents (only) to meet with the Headmistress.
A Registration Form will be given by the Headmistress at the Parents’ meeting. This should be completed and returned together with a non-refundable Registration Fee of KShs 15,000/- (made payable to Kenton College Trust) and accompanied by a copy of the child’s passport.
The Headmistress will arrange an assessment of your child and is obliged to inform the current school.
Once the assessment is complete, the Headmistress will communicate with the parents as to whether a place can be offered.
If accepted, there is a non-refundable Admission Fee of KShs 150,000/- payable to Kenton College Trust. -
Final confirmation of acceptance of admission is subject to (a) payment of the Admission Fee and (b) Parents agreeing to and signing the Parents’ Contract.
An orientation day is normally arranged before the new Term begins.
Effective September 2019, Kenton School fees are KShs 640,500/- per Term.
School Fees are due at the beginning of each Term.
School Fees are marginally increased at the beginning of each academic year.
Please contact the Registrar (registrar@kenton.ac.ke) for any queries