Kenton College Preparatory School

The Kenton College uniform is well known throughout Nairobi and we expect pupils to be aware of its significance and importance.
Pupils are expected to respect their uniform and to be smartly turned out in it on any occasion. Full school uniform is to be worn on any trip out of school when pupils are in a representative capacity unless the nature of the trip militates against this, in which case the trip leader will issue dress code guidelines.
Pupils wear full school uniform for Friday assemblies and for any major school functions such as a concert, the Carol Service or Speech Day.
All items of school uniform must be clearly marked for identification purposes.
The Kenton uniform is readily available in Nairobi, at Haria’s School Outfitters. The only exceptions to this are games socks, sun suits and tracksuits, all of which can be purchased from our clothing Matron at school. Plain black swimming costumes can be worn by the girls and boys, with the option given to wear the purple and white sun suits. Swim caps should be purple. Full uniform lists for boys and girls are available at the School office.
Of equal importance to the daily wear, school uniform is the uniform worn for games and for inter-schools matches, for those pupils representing Kenton in a team. Sports kit is simple and distinctive.
Special team strip may be provided for hockey, rugby, cross-country, athletics, netball and soccer team members, who will be asked to look after it, wash it and return it to school afterwards. Team players will be charged for team strip which they lose or fail to hand back.
Pupils bringing uniform or games kit to school are reminded to be sensible about the size of their kit bag: it has to be large enough to contain all the kit, but small enough to fit in the pupil’s locker. Please ensure that your child’s kit bag is clearly marked.