Kenton College Preparatory School
Pupils have specific Wellbeing sessions with their Form Tutor every Friday afternoon.
The themes of the Wellbeing sessions are eclectic and are enjoyed by the pupils as they reflect on their own wellbeing in the comfort of their form group and tutor.
In the Junior School (Yr 2 - 4), Wellbeing is embedded in all activities.
The Wellbeing Team is composed of: The Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of Juniors, Junior Coordinator, Head of Year 5 & 6, Head of Year 7 & 8, School Doctor, School Nurse, Matron and the School Counsellor.
This team works cohently to monitor and respond to the Wellbeing of all pupils.
Pastoral Care:
Pastoral care is at the forefront of Kenton College’s ethos.
We firmly believe that safe, happy children are in a much better position to achieve their goals and dreams.
Pastoral care is overseen by the Deputy Pastoral, Head of Juniors, Junior Coordinator and all Form tutors/class teachers.
This team works closely with the Wellbeing Team to ensure that every child’s needs are met and that pastoral issues are dealt with swiftly and effectively in a caring and supportive manner.
Values / Character Strengths:
The school underpins its ethos with 3 pillars: Honesty, Courage and Respect.
In addition, each half-term has an additional focus.
This focus value is explored in lessons, assemblies and all activities, culminating in a celebration of pupils who have demonstrated significant progress in their understanding of the value.
This value is shared with parents and displayed in all classrooms. In addition, pupils are taught the values of tolerance and democracy through a variety of activities, including a host of positions of responsibility that our pupils are given and mentored for throughout their time at Kenton College.