Kenton College Preparatory School

Kenyan History and Citizenship is a subject that was introduced into our school in the Year 2017. It is taught to all pupils in the school. The curriculum starts with the study of the Peoples of Kenya and their migration routes, pre-colonial Kenya and the struggle for independence and the Mau Mau War. We then move into Kenya as a republic and analyse how Kenya has progressed in the last 58 years under different presidents.
The Juniors have half-hour lessons once a week while the Seniors have two half-hours a week. We teach through projects, drama, music, videos, art and debates. During the month of October, we encourage the pupils to engage in some works of charity for Huduma Day and celebrate their heroes on Mashujaa Day. To give Mashujaa Day an international flavour we also celebrate Black History Month by learning about Civil Rights Activists in America. Year 8 also take part in an essay writing competition.
In the long run, we hope that the subject will influence our pupils to become active global citizens who can easily integrate with people from different countries and cultures. This subject aims to teach the pupils that we can celebrate our differences and live amicably with people who do not behave the same way as we do.
Kenya Day is one of the most exciting days in the Kenton calendar. It is celebrated once a year by the whole school community. It is a colourful, fun and engaging day. The pupils dance to Kenyan music, make Kenyan artwork, eat Kenyan food, play Kenyan games and dress up in Kenyan attire. The highlight of the day is a fashion show and a whole school dance on Bottom Pitch.