Kenton College Preparatory School
All members of staff at Kenton College are totally committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people at the school.
Ms Sally Weston
Mrs Kelly Andola
Head of Early Years, Head of Juniors.
Ms Stephanie Donaldson
Deputy Head Academic, English
Mrs Rachel Hulland
Deputy Head Pastoral, English
Mr James Scott
Deputy Head Organisation, English
Mr Peter Nderitu
Assistant Deputy Head, Geography
Head of Year 8
Ms Beryl Achieng
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Victoria Akoth
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Esther Anai
PE Assistant and activities (EY)
Mrs Alison Bannerman
Head of Languages
Ms Katarina Birakos
Mr Dennis Bwye
Mathematics, Head of Year 5
Mr Andrew Coulter
4C Class Teacher,Head of Year 4
English Coordinator
Ms Emma Evans
Head of Physical Education,
Head of Year 6
Mrs Thea Thorogood
Head of History, Able and Talented Lead,
8H Form Teacher
Mr Chris Haynes
Head of Design Technology
6H Form Teacher
Mrs Faye Joshi
2J Class Teacher
Ms Dina Jura
3J Class Teacher
Mr Benard Kamana
5K Form Teacher, Humanities
Mrs Njeri Kibunja
Class Teacher (EY)
Ms Doris Lewa
Class Teacher (EY)
Mr Sammy Likoko
PE and activities (EY)
Ms Muthoni Hunja
Support Teacher (EY)
Ms Sophie Mbochi
Head of Girls’ Sport,
Head of Kiswahili
Miss Sharon Mageria
Mr Oliver Mangeni
7M Form Teacher
PE Teacher, Humanities
Ms Melissa Mathu
5M Form Teacher
English, Maths, Humanities
Mrs Rachel Mugambi
English, 5M Form Teacher,
Ms Fridah Miriti
French and Spanish Teacher
Mrs Michelle Moss-Gibbons
Head of Year 7, Mathematics,
Mr Thomas Mucheni
Head of Boys Sport,
8M Form Teacher, PE, ICT
Mrs Grace Njogu
4N Class Teacher
Junior Maths Coordinator
Mr Kevin Mwita
Music Teacher
Ms Ann Mugwe
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Carol Ng’ang’a
Music Teacher (EY)
Ms Caren Odhiambo
Teaching and Learning Assistant (Y2)
Ms Evelyn Nyambura
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Maureen Nyambura
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Belinda Odongo
2O Class Teacher
Ms Vida Opiyo
Teaching and Learning Assistant (Y4)
Kiswahili and KHAC
Mr Francis Oludhe
Director of Music
Mr Ricardo Momanyi
French and Spanish Teacher
Mr David Ongaya
Head of ICT
Mrs Kanval Sagoo
Junior School Science Coordinator
3S Class Teacher
Mr Walter Oyogo
Teaching and Learning Assistant (Y2)
Mrs Sarah Ruhling
Head of Science, 8R Form Tutor
Mrs Kirsty Russell
Head of Year 3, 3R Class Teacher,
TLA Mentor
Mrs Melissa Stevens
Head of Art
Ms Arti Shukla
Class Teacher (EY)
Mr Kanwal Singh
Head of Mathematics
Ms Lulu Sloane
Curriculum Leader , Class Teacher (EY)
Ms Petnah Wabomba
4W Class Teacher
Mrs Florence Sweetland
2S Class Teacher
Head of Year 2
Ms Jeanette Sy
Class Teacher (EY)
Mrs Keziah Thiong'o
Early Years Pastoral Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Class Teacher
Miss Ivy Warui
Head of Kenyan History, 7W Form Tutor,
Mr Mickey Wanjala
Teaching and Learning Assistant (EY)
Ms Milka Wangari
Class Teacher
Miss Faith Wangeci
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs Nureen Yakub
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Ms Patience Ashianze
Teaching and Learning Assistant (Y3)
Ms Immaculate Wijenje
Mathematics,7J Form Tutor